05 October 2004

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Angela and I are treated to near daily drop-dead laughter from the funny things Samuel continues to come up with.

It is in that spirit that I will begin a weekly post called "Kids Say The Darndest Things."

Last week when I was walking in the door from work he ran up to me and gave me a big hug, from that point on the exchange went something like this:

Samuel: [while hugging my legs] "DADDY!! I missed you all day!

Grant: [Bending down to hug him back] "I missed you too."

Samuel: "What did you do at work today?"

Grant: [Pointing up to my head] "I thought of you all day up here."

Samuel: [With an inquizitive look on his face, then pointing to his knees] "And I thought of you down here all day too!"

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