03 May 2005

**Warning** polictically incorrect statement below!

Hovenweep National Monument

This place was amazing! This place is only
accessible via a great drive on dirt roads that
we wouldn't have been able to drive if SUWA
Sierra Club, et al had their way. As we "toured"
(i.e. got close enough to see from a distance)
the ruins it struck me that if these brain damaged
environmental bigots had been alive back then,
they would have:
1. sued the "graffiti terrorists" that created the
petroglyphs and pictographs and
2. the "ancestral puebloans" (we're not allowed to
call them Anasazi any more) would have never
been able to build their cliff dwellings because
the environmental impact statements would
have shown that some spider or desert rat
would have been displaced.
3. Sought a protective order intended to keep
away the aliens who taught the "ancestral
puebloans"to deface the environment in such
horrifying ways!

It all makes me wonder if the environmental
psycho's had been around back then, if there
would be anything for them to keep us from
enjoying today!
Posted by Hello

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