Dear Family,
Things have been going great. Last week a couple named Tex and Michelle fernandez came to church after a coworker that is a member invited them. Tex said last week that he had been to just about every church except the Jehovah's Witnesses, which he wouldn't go to. he figured he should attend this one. he is a nice guy, and fed us dinner last sunday along with the members that invited him to church. we had thought that he was nice, and maybe in time would join, but didn't haveany short term goals for him. this week, to the shock of Elder Christensen and I, Tex and Michelle came to church again. In gospel essentials the teacher asked tex to give the closing prayer. It was amazing! he touched on many points including giving thanks for bringing him and his wife to the church, and asking to help them to join themselves with his church. Later we found out that michelle wants to become a member. Tex said that he can usually read people (if they are lying or not) and he said he knew what the gospel essentials teacher was saying came from his heart. Both my companion and I have been very excited, allong with the Ebery family (the ones that invited them to chruch.) We got a referal a couple days ago for someone who saw a tv ad for a Book of Mormon and called it. when someone calls, they talk to missionaries at the mtc, and they have the choice to have it sent in the mail, or to have missionaries bring it by. all that information gets sent to whatever mission it is in, and the office either sends the item, or gives the information to the missionaries who cover the area the peson lives in. so the fact that we got this was exciting because someone asked us to come and deliver a book of mormon and talk to them. we saw him briefly last night. He was a student at the UW extention here, but is taking the semester off. we didn't have much time to talk to him then but we are going back today. he told us he knew nothing about our church, but he wasn't very happy with his at the moment and was having doubts about god. He then said something that struck me, he said, "I do know there is a god there" but explained he was having hard times. he was open to praying and he commited to praying to ask if god loved him. being there i recognised the light of christ in him, and that he really wants the truth. we are excited about him aswell, his name is John Legassic. Both elder christensen and I have been loving platteville because of all of the great things going on here. we recently were talking with some members of the branch that was working with a friend to have us teach, and told us that she was glad to have missionaries in the branch that she knows she can trust. she said some of the prievious elders were not ones that she would want to teach her friend that has a lot of potential, but could easily be scared away. It was great to hear that we have the trust of the members, i'm sure that is part of the reason that we have had so much sucess recently and are continuing to be blessed.
It snowed a little on thursday, and has since warmed a litted and melted the snow. wednesday it was in the 70's so it was a bit of a rude awakening that winter is comming.
I have started to have problems with my shoes again. my old pair is starting to have the same problems as the first, the stiching on the side is splitting. at first i figured i wouldn't go through the hassel again, but not the new shoes you sent me are starting to peal on the toes. it looks o.k. if I polish them, but still not amazing and it isn't something that i want to wear in public much. i figured that between the two problem they might be willing to refun one ( the old ones hopfully) if not i can last, these new ones will stay together, and i have the pair that i only wear to meetings, but they should be willing to replace them. i figure it is sad that neither one of the 2 pairs i started with lasted 2 years.
Things have been going well and i appreciate all that you do for me. I love you all.
Elder Lundberg